Wednesday, September 5, 2012

1000 Travels of Jawaharlal

This trio from Kita-Kyushu, Japan plays uncompromising and spontaneous , which descends from bands from half of 90’s released on label Ebullition like Torches To RomeBread and Circuits orYaphet Kotto mixed with dedication of  bands like Ignition or Swiz, all together with aggressive, explosive Endstand sound! These guys are absolutely coordinated, singer and guitarist Koichiro alias Kojak has screamy but still melodic voice (he was driver on The Robocop Kraus tour around Japan), crazy drummer plays with total dedication and bass player understood what is this instrument about. They are releasing on czech label Day After Records. -
I got lazy as fuck, but this band is sick. Old school screamo. Check them out if you haven't already. Word.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I think the last two links are the same thing.