Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Grave, Shovel... Let's Go!

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I guess you could call Grave, Shovel...Let's Go! a indie/post hardcore band. I mean, they have noodly guitars and scream sometimes, but then again, they are not really a screamo band. I thought they were kinda screamoish, but then the band sent me their demo, and it just really sounds like good post-hardcore with some sweet emo riffs and shit. Anyways, Grave, Shovel are from Germany and the United States, which is fucking sweet. Its cool enough when band members do the long distance thing from town to town, but from country to country? That just kinda rules. I first heard Grave, Shovel when i downloaded their split with Me and Goliath, and fell in love with the song "Edgy Electrician". I got kinda pissed though because I couldn't find any other music by these guys anywhere. One day way back I messaged them via myspace and told them about le blog and how I wanted to do a post and what not, and then last week they sent me a message with links to all their music and some pictures. Its so cool that some bands are all behind being on blogs and really support the whole underground music trading scene and all that hip shit. Blah blah blah, I couldn't find any videos, sorry dudes.

Below is everything that the band sent me, which I'm assuming is everything they have.

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Split with Me and Goliath

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Live Set

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